Possible to use a Field to affect Turbulence?

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsPossible to use a Field to affect Turbulence?
Matthew asked 8 years ago

I’m playing with the trial and picking apart some of the examples. Is it possible to use a Field to affect the Turbulent noise? For example, I’d like to use an object as my Emitter, and then have the turbulent noise applied progressively along one axis, to give the impression of an object disintegrating, but it seems like the Field nodes can only affect position/scale/opacity. With Trapcode Form, I’d use a layer map to affect the strength of the displacement effect, but I’m a bit lost here. I’d be grateful for any pointers, or if you could point me to a relevent example, that would be great.

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

You could have the turbulence field masked in a sphere, switch from infinite to sphere and see the effect, another option would be to have displacement maps, change the field to maps, and affect the position through a map. since its a single 3D space, you could animate several fields to affect that emitter together.

Matthew answered 8 years ago

Thanks for the pointers!

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