Region of Interest rescales particle system

Support ForumCategory: IssuesRegion of Interest rescales particle system
Pete asked 7 years ago

Something else I’ve noticed recently is that if you create a particle system and later crop the composition using the ‘region of interest’ tool, everything ends up in a different place. It seems to scale the coordinates and physics of the system relative to the region of interest.
Of course you can get around this by precomping and then cropping it in a different comp, but it’d be nice if you didn’t have to…

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Pete, Stardust should always be applied to a Solid in the exact dimension of the Comp, or strange things will happen, when you crop the comp, you should reset the Solid dimension and transformation as well, then you can readjust the camera translation.

Janus answered 7 years ago

This is troubling me too. I use AE for creating game art, resizing comp size very often. Resting the solid dimension and transformation is very frustrated and wasting time, this makes me use Stardust only if I have to…

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