Stardust with 3D tracked camera

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsStardust with 3D tracked camera
Shannon Ribbons asked 6 years ago

Hi. I have tracked some footage, and created a null with position -6408.3, 19676.8, 30883.1 so it sits on the footage.
The tracked camera shows the null is correctly positioned through the sequence.
I have added a simple Stardust emitter & particle set up.
I have tried changing the origin of the emitter to the XYZ values above, & I  have tried a transform node also with those values (returning emitter origin back to 0). Nothing works. How do I set the Stardust effect up in this situation?

3 Answers
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi, most probably that your scene is clipped, being that large, under ‘render setting’ ‘clipping’ try to change the Max distance / fade .
Please send us an email for further help.

Shannon Ribbons answered 6 years ago

YES! Thank you that was it.

Arnaud P answered 5 years ago

Hello, I wanted to know if Stardust has the same limitation as Particular with 3D camera tracks for 360?
I just had a 360 drone shot project that I tracked in Syntheyes and exported the 3D camera to AE. But when I tried to use Particular to add a ghost trail flying around the drone it didn’t behave properly in the 360 final comp, we would basically see the particular layer instead of just the particles in 3D space. 

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