Text Layer As Model – Color won’t go darker

Support ForumCategory: IssuesText Layer As Model – Color won’t go darker
Bret Rockmore asked 6 years ago

Hi, I am using a text model as a particle.
The particle is a text layer the word “Blah”
I would like the color of the text to be black, but the darkest it displays on my screen is a light grey.
Any ideas on how I would get the particles of text to be black?

The way I have it set up in Stardust currently is:
Emitter (Type: point, Emitting: Default)
Particle (Shape: Model)
Model (Model Source: Text/Mask, Extrude Layer: 2.Blah) For the extrude layer I have the text layer selected.
I would just love for the text to be black instead of grey. Any help is appreciated.

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi, When there is no material attached to a model, it has a default white material. When there are no lights in the scene, there is a default ambient light.
You will need to add a material and a light to better control the colour of the model. Please check one of our 3D tutorials how to set materials and lights.

Bret answered 6 years ago

Thank you!

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