Turbulence Loop

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsTurbulence Loop
Axel asked 8 years ago

Is it possible to loop the Turbulence?

5 Answers
Axel answered 8 years ago

Thank you for your reply!
That\’s exactly what i did an hour ago, after tinkering for two days 😉
A loop option would be nice never the less.

admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi James, please send an email to support, and we will try to help with the setup.

Dave green answered 7 years ago

Hey there, I would love to know the workaround for this to save me tinkering around for 2 days 🙂

patrick answered 6 years ago

I’m test driving Stardust and liking it but need to know if there is a way to loop Turbulence.  No looping options may be a deal breaker.  Messages above allude to a solution…. I’d love to hear it.  Thanks!

Digital-Punk answered 5 years ago

Hi guys,
you can use after-effect’s built in fractal noise as a field map which has loop-cycling options. As far as i know the built in turbulence cannot loop as of yet.

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