Tutorials For Stardust

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsTutorials For Stardust
Rene Suess asked 8 years ago

Hello, in the quick guide video it says :”for in depth tutorials – please visit our website” where can i find them please. Best Regards

7 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

You can have a look at our blog, we should have a dedicated page for tutorials soon. There are also some on aescripts website 
If you have any question please send me an email to aharon@superluminal.tv

James answered 8 years ago

 Would love to see more tutorials out here as well..! Still very basic.

James answered 8 years ago

 Would love to see more tutorials out here as well..! Still very basic.

Nenad Cocic answered 8 years ago

Second this….. Also any kind of basic tutorial explaning new features when those are out would be nice. I am looking into new \”Source\” node atm, and cant figure out how lots of it options works. And trial \”and error\” learning approach can be annoying and timeconsuming.

Beau McCombs answered 8 years ago

Absolutely loving the product, it’s really special, and you all should be proud of yourselves. I do agree more tutorials would be very helpful- perhaps a tutorial for each of the types of nodes, with an example of how it is used. I’m brand new to nodes, so complex interactions between them, like how they are in some of the presets, is still pretty confusing for me on how to build in that way.
Harry Frank did a great job with this, and cleared up in depth the basics of Particular in just a few videos.
 The guide is helpful, but a visual guide would speed up our learning exponentially. I’d love to be able to quickly put together some stuff to sell my boss on the product!

admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Beau
A new tutorial was released yesterday, and we are working to produce some more.
The presets are a good way to start,as you can turn on and off the different nodes, and see how they affect.
And you are always welcome to send us an email with any question.

Pete answered 6 years ago

Bump for more tutorials, or a more in-depth user guide. The product is fantastic, and I think it would really give Particular some serious competition if only it was more accessible. I am experienced with particle systems in both 2D and 3D applications, but it’s not clear how all the nodes work in Stardust and there is very little information available. Tutorials are good, but I don’t have time in my working day to follow a 45 minute tutorial every time I want to learn one specific function, so I often end up falling back on Particular for speed- even when I feel like Stardust would probably give me a more interesting result. 

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