UHD Display – Panel to small

Support ForumCategory: IssuesUHD Display – Panel to small
Julian von Schmu asked 7 years ago

Hello, i have a UHD Display with a 4K resolution. Sadly the UI of the Panel is just way to small. Is there a way to scale it?
Working on win10.

4 Answers
Julian von Schmu answered 7 years ago

https://s10.postimg.org/ilubbozrd/example.jpg i forgot to post a screenshot, here is one.

admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Julian, We will add more UI options going forward.

Andrew Jehan answered 5 years ago

Is there any update on this? I have a huge 4K screen which usually gives me lots of space, but all the nodes and text are huge in the stardust panel.

Fabiana answered 5 years ago

Can I change a project from Full HD to Ultra HD? without interfering in the background of the stardust, does he adapt too?

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