User Presets

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsUser Presets
wan asked 7 years ago

Hello , I saved my own presets for stardust. Trouble is I can’t find the location of where it is in the preset browser . In mac it says it is under user presets but I am using windows . Did a search can’t find any relating to stardust . I wonder if you can help me , thank you.

2 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Wan, to access your presets, please press the Folder Icon on the preset browser and navigate to the folder to which you saved it. Going forward, we will have a quicker way to access the base user preset folder. 

dimon answered 1 year ago

Привет у меня в Stardust отсутствуют кнопки выбора и отмены в браузере эффектов как я могу это исправить чтобы они появились система Windows .Заранее благодарен.

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