
Support ForumCategory: Questionsusing-stardust-with-voluemetric-capture
Nicholas Rubin asked 5 years ago

Hi there, so I\’m using Stardust to bring an OBJ sequence of an actor performance. The mesh sequence data is married to image sequence so I import both under the model node. I have two questions. Assuming the model node is the beginning of the network. If I want to turn the mesh into any other surface treatment like emit along vertices or wireframe \”style\” rendering. Does that node come out of the model node or the material node if I want the texture map to stay on top. Also what is the best way to fact keep texture map on top of the particles like the original UV’s.

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi, this setup is somewhat similar to our DYNAMIC CHARACTER TUTORIAL from here :
and also you can look at the preset – ‘Wireframe Cube’ to see how to both render a model and use it as an emitter.

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