What is the face particle?

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsWhat is the face particle?
Dave Taylor asked 6 years ago

The user manual is out of date. I’m trying to emit sprites but I don’t see anything on that. I thought maybe this new one called “face” under the particle shape would do that, but it’s not showing anything. In addition to that, there is no description in the manual.
can I emit sprites? I have a series of logos in Illustrator that I’m trying to make float around in the background of my scene.

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Dave, The Face combined with an OBJ emitter will emit the Faces of that OBJ as particles, please load a sample preset – General / Nodes / Model / flat
As for textured particles, you can load many sample from the Texture Folder in the Preset browser.
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