Stardust – New Version

A new version of Stardust – a modular particle system for adobe after effects, has been released.

Stardust’s already innovative user interface has been boosted with some new workflow tools. Nodes can now be arranged in groups , Panel effect can be hidden to minimize clutter, and all that can be controlled by easy to access switches.

3D object can now be manipulated using deformers ranging from a simple bend and twist to creating terrains.

Extrusion of masks and texts was reworked to be cleaner and faster.

Presets can now be searched using any keyword or phrase as well as browsed.

All this adds to the already powerful particle system that ranges from the simplest 2D setups to complex particles systems that combines 2D and 3D particles in one tool, in a shared 3D space.

This is a free update to all current customers





New Features :



Noise Deform Clean
Maps Deform CleanPresetsSwitches Groups



In Depth :


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