Color Gradient doesn't work for texture particles

Support ForumCategory: IssuesColor Gradient doesn't work for texture particles
butler asked 8 years ago

I’ve been trying to get anything color option to work when using a texture and it doesn’t seem to work. It defaults to the color of the texture and you are not able to change it to anything else unfortunately. 

4 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Colorising Textured Particles should be available soon. It is not supported yet. 
For other feature requests please send us an email to

David answered 6 years ago

Would love to see this as it doesn’t seem to be implemented as of yet?

admin Staff answered 6 years ago

This answer is a bit outdated, under Texture / Texture Colour use, you can set to use the Alpha or Lightness of the source texture and so to replace it with Color. 

Nate VanderPlas answered 5 years ago

Is there any way to colorize a particle texture?  I have some tree images (vector drawings with only 2 colors) and I want to vary the colors, but I don’t want them filled in with a solid color.  If it doesn’t exist, something similar to AE’s built-in “Tint” or “Tritone” effect would be amazing.  You’d just have two gradients (or 3 for Tritone)- one for tinting the whites and one for tinting the blacks.  Then Stardust could choose a random color from each gradient per particle to colorize them.

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