Controlling texture ‘time’ with field maps?

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsControlling texture ‘time’ with field maps?
Nick asked 6 years ago

Is it possible to control the time of a texture composition through a map?

For example, if I had a texture composition at 100 frames long with each frame containing text ranging from 1-100 (on each frame respectively) – this was to represent values on a graph (on the Y axis, with 0 at the bottom and 100 at the top). If i added a turbulent displacement to the texture with a small amount of speed, is it possible to change the values of the texture dependent on their space on the Y axis? (0 always at the bottom of the field, and 100 always at the top). I’m assuming this could be done through a field node using maps, if it isn’t possible I’d love it to implemented into a future version!* 🙂

*You’ll have to charge us again at somepoint! You guys are too nice ;)!

2 Answers
Coen answered 6 years ago

Would love this as well !

Coen answered 6 years ago

Would love this as well !

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