Copy paste issue: Selecting Texture of particle in current comp

Support ForumCategory: IssuesCopy paste issue: Selecting Texture of particle in current comp
Sanketh Yayathi asked 8 years ago

First I’ll say, I love the potential of stardust, I’m already using it in my work 🙂

Anyways, I noticed that when I copy and pasted a layer with stardust into a different comp, and then tried to create a particle with a texture. What I found was that on the drop down list to select a layer to be the texture, it was referencing the pre-copy-pasted comp, rather than the current one. What’s more, even if I make a new particle object, it still references the old comp, and doesn’t see new layers that I drop into it.

Hope you can fix this along with the other early bugs, thanks!

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi, Could you please send an email to so we could get more details about it ?

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