How to create a straight grid of, with colors sampled from a layer?

Support ForumCategory: QuestionsHow to create a straight grid of, with colors sampled from a layer?
Jonas Mouritsen asked 7 years ago

I want to create a straight grid of particles (in horizontal and vertical lines), with their color sampled continuously from a separate layer.
The layer-emitter works perfectly to sample colors from a layer, but as far as I can tell, it can only emit particles from random points on the layer, and not create a grid.
The grid-emitter creates a grid perfectly, but I can not sample colors from a layer.
Is there a way to make one of the two emitters work as I want, or can you think of a workaround?
Thanks for your help.

1 Answers
admin Staff answered 7 years ago

Stardust is modular, so you would emit from a grid, and then color the particles using maps for instance, Please see Presets / Nodes / Field / Texture Map for a sample how to project texture on particles, in this preset it uses size, but you can easily change this to color.

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